The Mission of the

New Mexico
Commission for the Blind

is to enable persons who are blind to achieve vocational, economic and social equality by providing career preparation, training in the skills of blindness and above all, promoting and conveying the belief that blindness is not a barrier to successful employment, or to living an independent and meaningful life.


Stevens Amendment

“Public Law 115-141 Notice: The Commission receives federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education and from the Health and Human Services Department. For Federal Fiscal Year 2025, the Commission will receive approximately $5,582,296 for Vocational Rehabilitation with a $1,510,838 state match; $225,000 for Older Blind with a $25,000 state match; and $62,651 for Independent Living with a $6,961 State match.”

White Cane Law

White Cane Law Proclamations

CFB Combined State Plan PY20 Final

CFB Combined State Plan PY20 Final

CFB Strategic Plan 2021-2024

CFB Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Forms for Referral to CFB

Quick Links:


Adult Orientation Center

Assistive Technology

Business Enterprise Program

Independent Living/Older Blind Services

NEWSLINE for the Blind

Skills Center

Students in Transition to Employment Program

Technology for Children

Vocational Rehabilitation